Mike was one of the students who visited Katesh in March 2019. He was asked to reflect on his visit.

I want to start off by thanking every single one of you who was a part of my incredible trip to Tanzania. I’m very grateful to have this opportunity to share and reminisce on the best trip I have ever experienced .

When I first arrived in Tanzania, I thought my main objective was to give a lending hand to help build a women’s dormitory for a school because the one there was basically broken down. What I didn’t anticipate was how much of an amazing experience it would be and how much knowledge I would gain back. Interacting with all of you and other community members in Katesh was super fun and special. One of the biggest things I learned in my time in Tanzania is that I realized that happiness can be achieved in so many different ways. I also learned that getting out of my comfort zone allows me to gain valuable experience and knowledge. When it was time for me to leave Tanzania, I left with a very uneasy feeling because I felt that I didn’t give back enough to the community compared to what the community gave me during my trip.

I really wish we as a whole class were able to finish the dorm before we left. I just want to thank all of you again for giving me a new perspective on life that has changed me forever. I’d love to come back and visit you all again in the near future. 

A Student’s Experience in Katesh